The VW Training Centre in Freising
The VW Group operates a modern training centre in the commercial area of Clemensänger southeast of Freising.
In Freising, the VW Group conducts special workshops and courses for employees of German VW dealers. Other important training sessions deal with the optimisation of manufacturing processes and the qualification of manufacturing personnel.
Rooms for Participants in the VW Training Sessions
Freising offers ample accommodations for all trainees, students or employees involved in qualification processes. The Lerner Inn in Vötting welcomes all students, teachers, trainees, and persons who are involved in learning and qualification processes.
If you leave the Lerner Inn by car you will reach the VW training centre within 10 minutes. This leaves you with some more time to stay in your room and enjoy a fresh leisurely breakfast.
Book online or call +49 / 8161 / 537 59 - 99