Die Speisekarten des Gasthofs Lerner

Please see a few of the culinary delights, which we have in store for you.

Lerner Menu

Our Menus at a Glance

Daily: We serve the items on our standard menu from Sunday through Thursday between 11:00 AM and 9:00 PM or whenever our restaurant is open.

In addition to the items on our standard menu, we also offer a weekly menu with dishes, which change with the seasons.

Our Special Lunch Menu

Monday through Thursday from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM; we add two budget-priced lunches to our regular menu items. Upon your request, we also serve appetisers and desserts.

You can also always find our lunch menu on Facebook!

We will be happy to email our weekly menus and our lunch menus to you. Please enter your email address in the form below. You will be able to unsubscribe at any time.


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